
Math Editor

Text Format

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format bold
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+B on the keyboard.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Surround the text by ** or __ delimiters.
      For example: **This is a bold text**.

This is a bold text

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format italic
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+I on the keyboard.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Surround the text by * or _ delimiters.
      For example: *This text is italicized*.

This text is italicized

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format underlined
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+U on the keyboard.

This text is underlined

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format highlight
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+Shift+H on the keyboard.

This text is highlighted

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format inline code
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+E on the keyboard.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Surround the text by ` delimiter.
      For example: `console.log("Hello World");`.

console.log("Hello World");

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format strikethrough
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+Shift +S on the keyboard.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Surround the text by ~~ delimiter.
      For example: ~~This text has a strikethrough~~

This text has a strikethrough

  1. Select the word.
  2. Click the
    format subscript
    button in the toolbar.

This text has a subscript

  1. Select the word.
  2. Click the
    format superscript
    button in the toolbar.

This text has a superscript

  1. Select the word.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Click the
      format highlight
      button in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl+K on the keyboard.
  3. Type the URL and click confirm.

This text has a link to Google

  1. Select the text.
  2. Click the
    format text color
    button in the toolbar.
  3. Select a text color.

This text has a different font color

  1. Select the text.
  2. Click the
    format background color
    button in the toolbar.
  3. Select a background color.

This text has a different background color

Font Style

  1. Select the text.
  2. Locate the font size selector
    font size menu
    in the toolbar.
    Can't find it?
    On smaller screens it is moved inside the font family selector
    font family selector
    to save screen space.
  3. You have different options:
    1. Edit the number manually or by pressing ArrowUp or ArrowDown on the keyboard.
    2. Use the
      decrease font size
      increase font size
      to cycle through popular font sizes.

This text has a 20px font size

  1. Select the text.
  2. Select KaTeX from the font family menu
    font family menu
    in the toolbar.


Block Type

  1. Click on the text to select its block.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Heading 3 from the block type menu
      block type menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Markdown shortcut: Begin the text with ### delimiter.
      For example: ### This is a level 3 heading.

This is a level 3 heading

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Bullet List from the block type menu
      block type menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Markdown shortcut: Begin the text with - or * delimiter.
      For example:
      - Item 1
      - Item 2
      - Item 3

item 1

item 2

item 3

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Quote from the block type menu
      block type menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Markdown shortcut: Begin the text with > delimiter.
      For example: > Nature is written in mathematical language.

Nature is written in mathematical language.

  1. Select the text.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select CodeBlock from the block type menu
      block type menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Markdown shortcut: Begin the text with ``` delimiter.
      For example:
      let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;

let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;


Text Alignment

  1. Click on the text to select its block.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Center Align from the text align menu
      text align menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /center and press Enter.

This is a centered block of text

  1. Click on the text to select its block.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Right Align from the text align menu
      text align menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /right and press Enter.

Mansoura University

  1. Click on the text to select its block.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Indent from the text align menu
      text align menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Keyboard shortcut: Press Tab on the keyboard at the start of the line.

This text is indented

Insert Menu

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Divider from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /divider and press Enter.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Type --- on an empty line.

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Math from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /math and press Enter.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Type $$ on an empty line.
      You can also type $x^2+5x+6=0$ to specify an initial value.

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Graph from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /graph and press Enter.
  3. Type a function, for example: sin(x+π), and click Insert.

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Sketch from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /sketch and press Enter.
  3. Draw anything and click Insert.

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Image from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /img and press Enter.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Type ![alt text](image.jpg) to insert an image.
      For example: Type ![Math Editor Logo](https://matheditor.me/logo.svg).

  1. Click the empty line below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Table from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /3x3 and press Enter.
    3. Markdown shortcut: Type |Cell| to insert an image.

  1. Click the text below.
  2. You have different options:
    1. Editor toolbar: Select Note from the insert menu
      insert  menu
      in the toolbar.
    2. Component picker: Type /note and press Enter.

This text has a sticky note floating by its side.